Saturday, August 31, 2019

Soraix: Platform Tokenisasi Saham

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Saham boleh dikata menjadi produk investasi populer saat ini seiring dengan semakin terbukanya kesadaran masyarakat bahwa menyimpan uang di tabungan tak mendatangkan nilai lebih untuk uang yang dimiliki. Kesadaran ini pun memicu perpindahan gaya hidup masyarakat dalam pengelolaan keuangan dari “Saving Society” menuju ke “Investment Society”.

Memang, saham itu produk investasi paling menguntungkan dibanding produk keuangan lainnya seperti deposito, reksadana, dan obligasi, atau produk komoditas seperti emas, tanah, bahkan forex. Alibaba sebagai contoh, hanya beberapa hari sebelum Alibaba mengeluarkan IPO, sahamnya dijual di bawah $ 60 per saham. Pada hari pertama perdagangan, harga melonjak hingga lebih dari $ 90 yang memberikan para investor Pra-IPO pengembalian investasi minimal 48% persen. Demikian juga, Facebook diketahui telah memberikan banyak keuntungan bagi investor pra-IPO ketika akhirnya memutuskan untuk go public. Menurut sebuah laporan, saham Facebook masing-masing dijual dengan harga $ 3,50, enam tahun sebelum penjualan publik. Tepat sebelum perusahaan mengajukan IPO pada bulan April 2014, harga per saham melonjak menjadi $ 42,72.

Namun demikian, peluang semacam ini tidak terbuka untuk semua orang dan juga berisiko tinggi bagi investor yang mengaksesnya.

Menurut SEC, perusahaan swasta hanya diperbolehkan menjual saham mereka kepada investor yang terakreditasi. Ini adalah investor dengan kekayaan bersih $ 1 juta ke atas atau memiliki pendapatan individu tahunan $ 200.000 +. Seorang investor juga dapat dianggap terakreditasi jika mereka dilisensikan atau didaftarkan oleh SEC sebagai broker atau penasihat investasi. Ini berarti bahwa jika Anda memutuskan untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan swasta dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tinggi seperti UBER, Spotify, Dropbox, atau Airbnb hari ini, Anda harus memenuhi ambang di atas. Sebagian besar investor tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai investor terakreditasi dan oleh karena itu peluang yang disajikan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan ini biasanya bukan pilihan bagi mereka.

Bahkan untuk investor yang terakreditasi, investasi ke pasar Pra-IPO bukan tanpa risiko yang signifikan. Pasar-pasar ini sangat tidak likuid sehingga investor tidak dapat membuang saham sebelum penjualan publik. Ketika seorang investor terakreditasi memasuki perjanjian penempatan pra-IPO, mereka berkomitmen untuk memegang saham sampai perusahaan penerbit mendaftarkan mereka di bursa saham. Ini bisa memakan waktu hingga 10 tahun yang berarti bahwa modal investor cukup terikat sampai saat itu.

Image result for soraix ico

Tokenisasi Saham

Seperti yang telah kita lihat, investasi Pra-IPO tidak hanya di luar jangkauan bagi kebanyakan investor, tetapi bahkan untuk beberapa yang dapat mengaksesnya, mereka datang dengan risiko likuiditas tinggi.

Tokenisasi saham, yang mengacu pada konversi saham perusahaan tradisional menjadi cryptocurrency, menawarkan untuk membawa likuiditas ke pasar Pra-IPO sekaligus memastikan aksesibilitas ke semua investor yang tertarik pada ekuitas swasta.

Adalah, perusahaan investasi berbasis di Swiss memperkenalkan solusi di mana perusahaan dari semua ukuran dapat meningkatkan modal melalui ETO mereka sendiri pada platform Soraix. Soraix bertujuan untuk mentransformasikan bursa saham tradisional dengan tokenisasi pertukaran aset melalui teknologi blockchain, menghasilkan adaptasi dan stabilitas yang lebih luas di industri.

Investor yang ingin eksposur ke ekuitas swasta dapat membeli dan memegang saham digital perusahaan dalam bentuk token ekuitas dan memperdagangkannya untuk aset digital lainnya seperti cryptocurrency atau token ekuitas lainnya.

Soraix akan memberikan manfaat signifikan bagi investor tradisional (pedagang eceran, masyarakat umum) dan bisnis dari semua ukuran. Pengguna tradisional akan mendapat manfaat dari model pembagian pendapatan Soraix, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk memperdagangkan Soraix Tokens (SRX) mereka menggunakan patokan 1: 1 terhadap Token Ekuitas yang dikeluarkan pada platform Soraix oleh perusahaan yang meningkatkan modal, terlepas dari perbedaan nilai dari kedua token. Sementara, klien bisnis akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengumpulkan dana dengan cara yang lebih mudah dijangkau oleh semua investor, dengan merubah nilai saham dalam bentuk Token Ekuitas pada platform Soraix.

Selain itu, semua aktifitas Soraix berada dalam lindungan lembaga keuangan Swiss. Dengan demikian, ini akan memberi pengguna ketenangan pikiran yang terkait dengan undang-undang privasi Swiss dan peraturan perusahaan kelas dunia.

Untuk menghidupkan platform, Soraix saat ini sedang meluncurkan ICO dari SRX Token . ICO terbuka untuk investor dari semua ukuran portofolio, tanpa pembelian token minimum, memungkinkan sebagian besar dari mereka yang tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam kesempatan ini. ICO telah dimulai pada 26 Agustus 2019 dan akan berakhir pada 24 November 2019 . Sejumlah 60% (600.000.000) dari pasokan SRX Token ( akan tersedia untuk dibeli. Dengan harga awal yang setara dengan 0,00025 ETH per token, pengembang Soraix bermaksud untuk mengumpulkan target minimum $ 4,500,000, dan maksimum $ 24,000,000 selama ICO.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi tautan berikut ini:

Situs web:


Bitcointalk Username : binar234
Bitcointalk Profil:;u=2053245
ETH: 0x573E9730fe386661F91D9189A0330ce577df0175

Thursday, August 8, 2019

SMASH Token (SMASH): World's First Deflationary Token with Use-case

Inflation is a favorite antagonist in the cryptocurrency community. Most investors are probably familiar with the graphs showing how much value the U.S. dollar has lost since 1933, when the Federal Reserve left the gold standard. For hard-money advocates, the deflationary properties of gold or cryptocurrencies form a built-in guarantee of long-term value.

Bitcoin’s supply is algorithmatically limited to 21 million tokens, but it still experiences inflation as the token supply grows. For most cryptocurrencies, inflation is barely noticeable against the backdrop of everyday price volatility, but it is very commonplace – blockchain networks need to generate new tokens to reward mining or staking nodes.

But any currency will lose value if supply exceeds demand. As such, many cryptocurrencies combat inflation by destroying tokens. Ripple’s XRP burns a small number of tokens with every transaction, and some, like Binance Coin, intentionally burn tokens to raise prices.

Some new tokens take coin burning to an extreme, and cause their token supply to shrink over time. This following tokens are known as Deflationary Tokens. What is Deflationary Token? Let’s take a look at this explanation.

Traditional cryptocurrencies tend to have a large circulating supply which makes it difficult for the price to increase as the market cap would be unrealistically high.

Deflationary cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, usually have a much lower initial supply and a percentage of tokens is burned with every transaction. The theory is that less supply will lead to higher demand.

It’s quite a new concept but it’s already proving to be successful. Just take a look at the following graph for Bomb Token (the first deflationary token with an initial supply of 1,000,000 tokens and a 1% burn rate) which went from $0.33 to over $13 after 4 months.

The latest version of Deflationary Token is out. It is called The SMASH Token. Let’s now find out a bit more about The SMASH Token, a deflationary cryptocurrency with an initial supply of 1,000,000 and a 2% burn rate.

Early days for this startup, but if it works could change the trading economics of Cryptocurrencies forever. Simply explained SMASH Token is a self-annihilating digital asset. With each transaction of SMASH, 2% get BURNED!

SMASH Token mission is to become world's first Deflationary Token with a real life use case. As well as to introduce a deflationary digital asset that will serve as a store of value, due to scarcity as the total supply will fall with each and every transaction.

Regarding to the key objective, unlike any other Deflationary Token, SMASH Token has real applications: creators call it “A deflationary Cryptocurrency for Charity.” They are planning to create a Social Platform that will allow for interaction between caregivers and supporters, all powered by the SMASH Token. The platform will serve as the hope for the poor and needy all over the world in order to SMASH poverty and lack out of This world.

Moreover, SMASH’s core algorithm is designed to ensure that for every transaction, 2% of the amount transacted is burned. This self-annihilating process will improve the scarcity of SMASH.

SMASH is fully transparent and interoperable with the Ethereum blockchain. You can view all the data on Etherscan.

Token Disribution

  • Airdrop (30%): 300,000 SMASH Tokens will be made available through airdrop programs.
  • Bounty (20%): 200,000 SMASH Tokens will be made available through bounty campaign.
  • Investors & Exchange Listing (20%): 200,000 SMASH Tokens will be available for purchased and future exchange listing.
  • DApp & Marketing (10%); 100,000 SMASH Tokens will be used to DAPP Development & Marketing.
  • Team (10%): The team will keep 100,000 SMASH Tokens, locked for 6 months.

If you find that SMASH Token is interesting, you can find more details on these following links:


Bitcointalk Username : binar234
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2053245

ELAD Network: Real estate investment opportunity for everyone!

Image result for Elad Network reviews

The international real estate market has continued to see massive growth. There is still enormous potential in this market that could be tapped into if a comprehensive, legally binding, user-friendly system was available for transactions. ELAD Network intends to be the first service of its kind that allows a property investor to invest in property, exchange investment share, and send or receive payment all on a single platform.

About ELAD Network

Found online at, ELAD Network is a blockchain based global real estate platform whose aims to provide a one-stop real estate investment and P2P exchange that leverages the power of blockchain technology. ELAD Network intends to be the platform that gives property investors the opportunity for to grow their money, while cutting out middlemen to produce better profits for them. ELAD P2P exchange market will be decentralised, giving costumers full control of their assets.

Real estate is one of the most profitable investment opportunities worldwide but is often time-consuming due to a large amount of paperwork involved. By placing both investment and P2P exchange on the blockchain, ELAD Network is saving investors both money and time.

ELAD Network Platform Features

Blockchain Based Platform

The ELAD Network platform provides a comprehensive network for electronic real estate transactions and data storage by leveraging the Ethereum blockchain in conjunction with proprietary ERC20 smart contracts. The result is faster, transparent, less expensive and globally accessible transactions that provide the user with increased liquidity and security and supplemental features that simplify and enhance the real estate experience for all parties involved.

Fractional Shared Ownership

ELAD Network will bring P2P exchange and investment together in one place, opening doors, cutting costs and lowering barriers for all. Fractional shared ownership lowers the minimal investment required to participate in property investment allowing anyone to own a share from as little as £50.

P2P Auction Facility

Blockchain technology allows customers to trade their share with anyone in the world via the ELAD Network auction facility built into the platform.

Payment Gateway

With ELAD Network, people can buy, invest or receive payments with ease. It is now possible to buy and sell real estate in many countries without the hassle of exchanging currency. All investment properties are managed by ELAD Network to create a hassle-free investment vehicle for their customers. All payments and returns from investments are recorded on the Blockchain and sent direct to investors account on a monthly or quarterly basis.

ELAD Token

ELAD Token is built on the ERC20 standard, this is the cryptocurrency used to trade on the ELAD Network investment platform. ELAD tokens can be used to exchange crypto currencies after the sale ends.

ELAD Network Sales is intended for early investors who want to have access to the first real estate offer on an online platform. Use of property is a transaction, each ELAD token that is applied through an online platform gives you the right to obtain equity and return on real estate.

The purpose of selling initial tokens is to build online platforms and acquire real estate, which investors choose through online platforms, this will increase prices when building property networks.

Token Info

Name: ELAD Token
Ticker: ELAD
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 100,000,000 
Country: U.K.

Investment Info

Token for sale: 70,000,000
IEO Date: 
  • STAGE 1: 06 AUG 19 - 06 SEP 19
  • Supply: 10,000,000 ELAD
  • STAGE 2: 10 SEP 19 - 10 NOV 19
  • Supply: 60,000,000 ELAD
Token Price: 0.0005 ETH - 0.00125 ETH
Accepted: ETH, BTC, USDT, Fiat
Soft cap: 250 ETH
Hard cap: 67,000 ETH


This platform offers users a property investment experience with convenience and ease of use, unlike anything they have ever had. By taking advantage of the power of fractional ownership any property can be divided into different sized chunks that provide investment opportunities from £50 to £50,000. Moreover, there will be a monthly return on the profit which is directly relational to the size of the investment.

The platform, by combining Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on real estate industry, will increase the transaction speed, transparency, and security. This will allow cost-effective and efficient solutions for the users.

For more information about ELAD Network, please visit the following links:


ELAD Network Social Accounts

Author: Binar Bumi
Bitcointalk Username : binar234
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2053245